Looking back over 2019 I feel like it has gone by so fast (just like every year). I've introduced a couple of new things to my shop, one if them being fair trade recycled frames. This is something which took a lot of research because I wanted to make sure the frames were sustainable and also vegan friendly. The glue used to combine the recycled wood is vegan and cruelty free. I also reached my goal of 200 hand drawn maps and I'm looking forward to reaching 300 😊 I took a while to post about it because I have been overwhelmed with orders the past couple of months but that is of course a good thing 😀
This year I have had some great feedback from customers and it always makes my day when I know I've created something truly special. I know most people wouldn't think to contact the creator or producer of a product to let them know how it was received, but because I have one on one contact with the customer throughout the process we build a rapport and sometimes I am lucky enough to find out how their partner or friend reacted to their map.
I have also recently introduced tea towels. This also took a lot of work to look into as I wanted them to be organic, fair trade and again printed using vegan friendly ink. Luckily I came across Cotton Smiles who produce beautiful tea towels and I'm so glad I can work with them to create a present idea for the second cotton anniversary.
In 2019 I also had an exhibition in Berlin (another one coming from January - March). I created my first wedding location map to help wedding guests orient themselves around over the wedding weekend.